Monday, February 13, 2017

Doctor Who Wreath

Doctor Who Wreath.  I'm in love with this wreath and it brings me joy every Christmas when I bring it out.  It took me a couple tries to get it right (see pics below) but I'm really happy with the end result.  1st try was the bottom left.  2nd try top left.  3rd times the charm wreath on the right! The ornaments, lights, and base wreath I used were purchased from  The yarn, ribbons, and flowers are from Joann Fabrics.  I used a nifty knitter to make the scarf bow. Happy to answer any questions.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Monster Book of Monsters Quiet Book (Harry Potter and the Quiet Book)

I made this book for my son Max's 2nd birthday. I hope it inspires others to make their own quiet books to encourage young kids to read.  This book took two months to create...I had to work on it whenever I had spare time and I stayed up many a night trying to finish it by his birthday. All the patches are hand stitched and I'm really very proud of it! I got some page ideas off of pinterest and some pages are entirely my own. I hope you enjoy looking at it as much as I enjoyed making it.
I used scrap fabric from my stash. The cover is made from fake fur and an old table cloth! I sewed them together to make a pocket and stuck a canvas board on the inside so it's hard like a book. The eyes I hand stitched and the title on the front cover is hand stitched and I put gold glitter glue on top of the thread to give it a little bit of a shine.

Before I bound the book together I hand sewed brown yarn on the side of the book to give it a furry textured look.  Originally I wanted to make a spiky spine but once the yarn was sewn on I liked the simplicity of it. So I decided to just sew on the handle and call it good.  The handle came from a picture frame we got at WWoHP that wouldn't stay on the frame (only because my children couldn't stop playing with it) Then I sewed the tongue bookmark into place on the inside of the spine.

Binding the book was the hard. I didn't really know what I was doing.  I left some extra fabric from the cover.  Made a little flap.  Then I sewed green crushed velvet (with interfacing to get rid of the stretch) and sewed all of the pages together.  Once the green was hand sewn together I hand sewed the front and back pages to the extra flaps on the front and back cover.  I hope that makes sense.  It worked great.

Every page is backed with fusible interfacing.  I also used a LOT of fusible webbing.  Fusible webbing is the best thing ever! Make your own appliqués, iron them on, and then top stitch. It's super easy! However, very time consuming.  This book was a joy to make and my son LOVES it!  I tried to put a lot of care and detail into it.  My dream is that JK Rowling will some day see it and smile and that the book will get passed down to my grandchildren.  Harry Potter has brought a lot of magic into my life when I've needed it most and I'm really excited to share that with my children!  I hope you enjoy looking at our Monster Book of Monster's/Harry Potter quiet book.  If you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them.  Luckily I used mostly scraps from my stash and only ended up spending $30.00 to make it!  It would have cost a lot more if I didn't have so much on hand. Max's favorite pages are the pixie ABC's and quidditch.  Even after a couple months those are still his go to pages :)

Monday, November 28, 2016

DIY Shaun the Sheep Ornament

This Shaun the sheep ornament is fun and super easy to make! We made these for my son's teachers, para's, OT and SP therapists this year.  It was the perfect gift.  You will need the following supplies:

-wooden old fashioned clothespin
-black paint (I used acrylic)
-black crafter's felt
-google eyes
-black ribbon  (I used 1/4 in)
- cotton balls (I ended up using 1 1/2 to 2 balls per sheep)
-tacky glue
-hot glue gun w/glue

1. STEP ONE: Paint your clothespin black.  It's okay if you can't paint the inside of the legs black, just cover the clothespin as much as you can in black. Let dry.

2. STEP TWO: Cut two one inch felt squares. (they don't have to be exactly one inch) Cut one of those 1 inch squares in half.  Those will be his ears and the remaining piece will be his face.  Go ahead and cut the two ears to have little points and curve out the sides of his face.

3. STEP THREE: Now use your glue gun to glue the ears on.  Just a dab of hot glue on the top of each one and press them onto the clothespin.  Next do a line of hot glue along the straight line of his head and press onto the front of the clothespin.  Make sure that your legs and head are lined up properly.

4. STEP FOUR: Take your ribbon and cut a 6 in strip.  I tied little knots in the middle (for hooves)  Glue them onto the side where his arms will go.  This is how he will hang from your tree or whatever you want to hang him from. I didn't get a good picture of this step but if you look at the following pic you'll be able to see where to attach the arms.


5. STEP FIVE:  Take your cotton balls. Two will be plenty.  'Fluff' them and pull them apart. Now cover the head in Tacky glue.  I used Tacky glue because it absorbs into the cotton better then hot glue.  Your fingers will get sticky though.  Take a pinch of the cotton and put it on the top of Shaun's head.  Now cover the top part of his body in glue (a little past his legs) and don't forget to put a little on top of his arm area.  Cover his body with cotton. Let dry.

6. STEP SIX: Glue on google eyes and you're done!!! 

***Since we made these as gifts we tied on little tags that said... "Thank ewe for all that you do" "Ewe ROCK!"  "I love ewe"  Etc...we attached them on step 4 before Shaun's arms were attached.



Welcome to my blog and thank you for stopping by! I hope you come back to find out what I have to offer the world. I plan on filling this blog with crafting, costuming, photos, and parenting ideas. I'm very excited to get this rolling! Please enjoy this photo of a tree I took on my walk today